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12 Moments You’ll Want to Remember From Your Baby’s 1st Year – Pittsburgh Newborn Photographer

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12 Moments You’ll Want to Remember From Your Baby’s 1st Year

I’ve had three newborns, and one thing that I’ve learned through the life changing experience is that one thing truer than anything is that you’ll miss these newborn days as time flies by. One tip I have for new families is to document these 12 crucial moments so you’ll never forget them. For my first two kiddos, I make baby scrapbooks filled with pictures, stories, and little decorations. For my youngest child, I utilized my smartphone and camera to capture moments big and small. 

1. Smile

The first smile is unforgettable, but sometimes it can be even more memorable if you take the time to jots down the date and your feelings over the exciting event. The first smiles are always one of the best moments of being a parent, so take the time to celebrate it! 😉 

2. Laugh

Laughter is the best medicine, and remembering the first giggle will be something you never forget. I love how easy it is to document these moments now-a-days to due the easily accessible technology. 

3. Sat up, Rolled over, Crawled

These are all monumental parts leading to the ultimate moment of those first steps. I love taking photos during that stage to remember them as they are exploring and growing in this crucial stage. I’d even recommend framing these three stages along with adding the first steps as your baby develops. 

4. Half Birthday

For my youngest, we threw a mini celebration with friends and family to celebrate our little one. One trend you might want to jump on is taking a picture of your baby every month of their life. The half-birthday would be the perfect time to exhibit all the cute baby pictures you have of your little one. Perhaps even professionally taken newborn pictures.

5. First Sound/Word

I know this might sound obvious, but take the time to note these special moments with the date and specifics that prompted their first words. Catching the moment on video is also optimal! 

6. First Solid Foods

What did your little one eat first? It’s always cool to see if that turns out to be their favorite food. Also, compare it to your own favorite foods when you were younger. The classic food-all-over-the-face picture is something you also won’t want to miss out on as your child is trying new foods to see which one they like the best.

7. Stayed with a Babysitter

Who was the babysitter? Was it their grandma and grandpa? Or was it a different family member? What did you mom and dad do with your newborn? What emotions were you feeling? Were you surprised by how you felt? 

8. Slept Through the Night

Truly a victory for all involved! Did you do anything special to celebrate? Maybe add some pics in a scrapbook of this rare and special moment! 

9. First Family Outing

Maybe you want to remember the first trip to the Zoo, first family festival, or first family vacation to the beach…whatever the monumental event is, take the time to note down the date and take some pictures of your first family trips. 

10.  First Steps 

The first steps are some of the most exciting moments of parenthood, something you will never want to forget. It should most certainly make the home video! Some things to note would be, where were they? Who all was there? How many steps did they take before falling? 

11. First Tooth

Ouch! Teething can be a real pain, but first tooth appearance is exciting. Celebrate your babies exciting growth and be sure to note the date of their first tooth and snap some pictures! 

12. The Sweet Everyday Moments 

Although you may be exhausted from having a newborn, my number one tip is to take the time to document the everyday moments. Time really does fly, so take the time to take some mental pictures of all the important moments although seemingly insignificant in the moment! 


Hi, I'm Laura Mares! I'm thankful to be a wife, mother and Pittsburgh lifestyle photographer. I photograph because I believe that life is simply beautiful and every person has a story worth telling. I'd love to tell yours.

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