The Shoot and Share Photo Contest is the world’s largest photography contest that is fun, anonymous and completely about the photos. Voting goes on for an entire month, and you only know how your photos are doing, or even if you’re still in the contest, if you see your own images while voting.
Voting is free and incredibly addictive, you simply click on your favorite image of the four that appear on your screen. Once you click another four photos appear for you to again choose your favorite. Hundreds of thousands of photographs are submitted each year from photographers around the world. It’s exciting to see countless creative and beautiful shoots during the voting process. It’s easy to loose track of time while clicking around the voting website.

For the past three years I have submitted 50 photos to the contest each year, in several different categories. My photos ranged from categories including: family, travel, animals, wedding, lifestyle/documentary, seniors, children, and share the joy. I even submitted a few photos that I look of my own children, like each of my girls from our alpaca photo shoot on the alpaca farm last spring!
My highest placed image was taken from Fjaðrárgljúfur, a beautiful canyon with a waterfall in Southern Iceland. It ranked 47 out of 27,611 photos in the travel category. One other image placed placed in the best of the best round, a lifestyle image I took of a father and daughter laughing on their sofa. I created a video that shows all the photos that I entered that ranked. Watch it below! Thanks so much for all your support over the years – and a huge thank you to my clients featured in these photos!

Be on the look out to view the beautiful images captured from international photographers next year and let me know if you find the voting process as addictive as I do!