I’m excited to introduce you to a wonderful family in Pittsburgh. Jimmy and Lisa welcomed Rosie into their family this spring. It was a pleasure to spend the morning with this loving and friendly family in their beautiful, historical and charming home.

How did you and your spouse meet?
We both went to college at Clemson and did not know each other there but had lots of mutual friends. We later met through those friends when we were living in Charlotte, North Carolina.
Describe how your life has changed once you brought home your newborn baby.
It’s been wonderful but exhausting! Every day we settle into our new life as a family of three a little bit more. These days, dinners are quicker and we don’t always get to eat at the same time because one of us is holding the baby. But we love our evening family time together after Jimmy gets home from work.

Describe your newborn baby.
Rosie is very expressive and vocal. She still sleeps a lot but is starting to smile a lot when she’s awake. She brings us so much joy!
What do you enjoy about living in the Pittsburgh area?
We love how there’s always a new event happening or new restaurant popping up. The winters are rough but the summers are absolutely beautiful!

What are your family’s favorite things to do in and around Pittsburgh?
Since Rosie has arrived we have really enjoyed just taking family walks in our neighborhood, Highland Park. We love to get outside and walk to the park, the coffee shop, or the market. We also really like checking out new restaurants.
Tell us about your home.
Our home is very old, it was built in 1907. We have done lots of gradual updates but plan to preserve all of the characteristics that make it unique like our stained glass window, pocket doors, and built in cabinet.

In your opinion, what are the best shops around Pittsburgh to buy decor for your home?
I like West Elm, and Schoolhouse Electric has a lot of nice things too. I know there are lots of very unique home shops in Lawrenceville. I do a lot of my shopping online to be honest!
Describe a typical day in your life as a mother with a newborn baby.
We are still trying to figure out what a typical day looks like. Frequent feedings and naps. I wear her a lot in the wrap carrier so I can have free hands if things need to be done around the house. We try to get outside every day and take the dog for a walk, weather permitting. And lots of snuggle time!

What is your family’s favorite meal to cook at home?
We don’t have one favorite meal because we like to try new things! We enjoy cooking and trying out new recipes but also make a pretty good amount of homemade pizza.
How did you prepare for your newborn lifestyle session?
We straightened up the house and brainstormed about areas that we wanted to take photos in.

How did you decide what to wear for your in home lifestyle session?
I followed Laura’s suggestions and tried to go with something plan and neutral with a couple of simple but cute options for Rosie.
What is your favorite portrait from your lifestyle session? Explain why it’s your favorite.
I love the ones with our dog, Miles, in them in addition to the three of us. He has quite a personality and loves the camera. Our house would be a lot less exciting and a lot quieter without him! So I felt that the pictures that included him gave a really accurate picture of what our daily life is actually like.

How did you decide to schedule a newborn lifestyle session with Laura Mares Photography?
I looked around online and loved Laura’s newborn lifestyle photos on her website. I liked how the style of the photos captured real moments in people’s households.
Can you think of something else to share about your newborn, family or home?
Rosie really is growing so fast! So we are so thankful to have the pictures so we can look back and remember what life was like when she was just a few weeks old. I’m sure we will look back at this time as a little hectic but wonderful.