What a joy to photograph this sweet family again! This newborn session was for their youngest, a boy! Newborn sessions are often quiet, allowing us to get to know each other. We enjoyed talking about colleges, concerts and family. The two girls were extremely cooperative and enjoyed getting in photos with their new brother! Their mother is an opera singer. I’d love to hear sing sometime!

How did you and your spouse meet?
At Wheaton College! In choir.
What are your family’s favorite things to do in and around Pittsburgh?
Nature walks in the many parks; eating out at brunch spots; Phipps!

What was your baby’s height and weight at birth?
7lbs; 19.5inches

Describe how your life has changed once you brought home your newborn baby.
Joy has been added to our family! Overall our routine hasn’t changed much. 3rd child…
Tell me a little about your experience during the delivery.
I did an unmedicated birth for the first time. It was super intense! Not sure I would choose to do it that way again haha.

Describe your newborn baby.
He is very happy and calm most of the time, and goes with the flow of our family life. He loves to be cozy and adores his big sisters.

Describe a typical day in your life with your newborn baby.
Lots of nursing! Lots of love from his big sisters. We get out and about going to playgrounds and meeting up with friends. He naps on the go and really goes with the flow!
If you were stranded with your newborn what are the three things you’d hope to have with you?
Asuuming our basic needs were met for shelter, food and water: A burp cloth haha! A swaddle. And a pacifier.

If you could share 3 pieces of advice with your younger self (before having a baby) what would they be?
1, Everything is a season, don’t sweat the challenging days with a baby because they will pass in a moment.
2. It’s ok to take a nap
3. It’s ok to say no

How did you decide to schedule a newborn session with Laura Mares Photography?
Google search. And we used her before!
What was your favorite part of your newborn photo session?
The environment was very calm and hospitable. Laura is so gentle with the babies!

What is your favorite portrait from your lifestyle session? Explain why it’s your favorite.
I have a few favorites, but one of them is the picture of my daughters kissing their new brother. I just love the joy on all 3 of their faces, and love that Laura caught a smile from Lucas!
If any of your personal items were used during the portrait session?
The swaddle blanket was from Amazon.

Click here to check out more newborn photography blog posts. If you are expecting and would like to schedule a newborn session or maternity session, click here to get in touch! 🙂