FOUR Best New Newborn Baby Products

Every year brand new newborn baby products are developed to improve you and your newborn's life. I am so fortunate to meet many wonderful families from around Pittsburgh and learn about the newest products on the market. Although I no longer have any babies at home, I want to pass along the tips I hear to other Pittsburgh families. Please comment below additional newborn items that have improved your life!!

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Lifestyle Newborn Spotlight – Pittsburgh Newborn Photographer

Honestly, I usually say that whatever I'm currently working on is my favorites session. I don't know why other than I get fully invested in whatever I'm working on and love it! Here's another interesting fact, when I receive an inquiry something sticks out and I get super excited about it. Are you curious about what was so exciting for this newborn lifestyle session? The spotted wall in the nursery. It's so true, I find joy in the simple things! I hope you love these newborn lifestyle images as much as I do!

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A Session with Pittsburgh Newborn Lifestyle Photographer

This beautiful Pittsburgh newborn lifestyle session was such a delight to shoot. This baby girl was such a calm little sweetheart and already has an amazing sense of fashion; I still love the mustard onesie, it's the best! She has gorgeous little features, wonderful parents and two furry friends that think think she's pretty awesome too!

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