Ella & Tutu: A Very Special Gift
My two year old daughter’s favorite book is “Kiki and Coco in Paris.” The book is full of beautiful photographs of a girl and her rag doll on a trip to Paris. Ella asks us to read it everyday. When I mentioned the book to my creative and talented friend, Lenna, she thought she and her mother could make a doll just for Ella. Last weekend Lenna came to visit and had a very special gift that exceeded our wildest expectations! I’m sure you’ll agree. This summer my oldest daughter is going to write some stories about Ella and Tutu and their summer adventures. What was a special gift you received as a child? I’d love to hear your comments below. – Laura Mares, Pittsburgh Lifestyle Photographer
Story by Anna Mares. Doll by Lenna McGraw. Photography by Laura Mares.
Ella was playing on the big green swing when Mommy called her over. As she skipped toward Mommy she saw Lenna with a gift, curious she began to inspect the white box.

When Lenna told her it was her gift, she was elated. Could it be a barbie, clothes, or even a stuffed animal?

Quickly, when she could no longer take the suspense, she pried off the ribbon, box and tissue paper. Her adrenaline was running and she was ready for the grand finale! She peered inside the box and found the most amazing sight, a doll just for her. She pulled her out and inspected her from head to toe.

When satisfied she announced for all to hear, “Tutu.”

She then began to dance around the yard and show Tutu some of her favorite activities to do. They swung on the swing and made goofy expressions as the sun glimmered on their smiling faces.

Ella even taught Tutu ballet on the side walk, and Tutu perfected her pirouette.

When Tutu was too exhausted to play any more, they laid down on the cool damp grass and began to discuss the adventures ahead.

If you know of a girl that would like her very own rag doll, let me know and I’ll get you in touch with the seamstress.