Ella & Tutu Visit Norway
Story by Anna Mares. Doll by Lenna McGraw. Photos by Laura Mares.
(Originally posted September 2017)
This week Ella and Tutu are vacationing in the majestic Fjords of western Norway. Tutu is excited for the plane ride! Ella discovers that she can lay down across two seats and decides to catch some shut eye.

When the dreams come to an end, the sleepy-eyed friends awaken in the air above Norwegian islands.

Ella & Tutu Visit Norway
Soon, they brace for the rough landing. However, when they get off the plane they are no longer in America but Norway! Mommy suggests that they stop for some food at the local grocery store, and starving Ella readily agrees! She and Tutu take command of the cart as they zip around the store, crafting a dinner for the family. Tutu recommends her favorite Scandinavian crackers, for she would know! She was here last year, during her travels around the globe when she was without Ella.

Once they arrive at their Norwegian “home,” Daddy and Mommy prepare an outdoor family feast.

Stuffed and tired from the full day, Ella and Tutu sit back and enjoy the view with their family.

They then wander in to the living room, quickly falling fast asleep, confident daddy will carry them to their room for a night full of sweet dreams.

The next morning, they head off to the Dale of Norway sweater company, just one village over.

Ella and Tutu try to figure out the historic wool spinner, but without much luck!

They decide to call it quits and explore the rest of the factory. Ella dresses up Tutu and herself in some traditional Norwegian wear. They are very proud of how well their outfits turn out!

Once the family has purchased their wool accessories, they continue on to explore the town of Dale.

They enjoy the rainy weather with some fun and games. They jump like frogs and walk steadily along their high tightropes! Ella’s sister and Mom love all the cute little shops along the way, however Ella and Tutu become a tad bored.

The next day, they head to the Stave church in Borgund.

They also stop at a waterfall, they are about to find out there are quite a lot of them in Norway! Ella purchases a moose purse after much persuading on Tutu’s side!

The rain didn’t scare them, for they came prepared this time! Ella protected herself against the troublesome flying droplets of water.

On the way “home,” they stop for a quick snack, munching on Tutu’s favorite food, PEACHES!

Today is the day for the Bergen family photo shoot! Ella forms a great friendship with their talented portrait photographer, Pia. Tutu is happy to be considered part of the family at the photo shoot!

Afterward, they stroll the streets, admiring the small shops.

Ella’s favorite store is the one with the small blue door for little girls her size! One store is so old, that the floor slanted and shifted in many directions. Tutu’s face began to get a little green, and they decide it is best to evacuate immediately.

As it began to rain, they move to the more covered shops. Ella is quite alarmed when she saw the first of many moose heads!

Tutu took it all in stride, and bonded closely with other stuffed friends.

The next morning, they embark on a visit to Old Bergen and an afternoon of Kayaking in a fjord! Old Bergen is an open-air museum full of historic buildings from the Bergen of days gone by that were relocated in the mid 1900s instead of being destroyed in the creating of the Bergen we know today.

Ella loves it! She leaves each building in awe!

Tutu’s favorite part is playing the old-fashioned games. Ella is an excellent marks person with the help of Tutu’s advice.

They are also quite successful at bowling!

While they have high hopes of walking on stilts, they inevitably realize maybe that isn’t for them…

Their next adventure starts on another fjord! They set sail, their destination, Flam. Ella and Anna bundle up, trying to fight the cold. Ella suggests taking a selfie!

An hour and a half later, they arrive! Tutu requests a picture with one of the famous Trolls of Norway. Exploring the nearby stores, Ella finds a cute moose hat that happens to match her purse!

Ella and Tutu spy a red wooden bridge, as they walked across they unexpectedly cross into an ancient Viking village! Near they edge of the village, while admiring the serene waters, they find lots of flat stones, perfect for skipping.

They decide to explore, and walk together through the meadows. Tutu even teaches Ella a Norwegian Folk dance as she skips along the trail.

On the last day, the family explores Ulvik and the surrounding area While driving along the road, they stop to catch some rainbows and find what’s really at the end of the rainbow…lots of mist!

They climb to the top of the waterfall – via the car, and gaze at the beautiful view of mountains and rainbows. They are so excited, they jump with a childlike joy!

Along the ride, they take many stops to admire the scenic beauty.

Many, many, stops!

Sadly, an end comes to their latest European adventure, and they fly through the sky, heading to their home in Pittsburgh.