Making Quality Time for your Family Life : Work-Life Balance Tips
This blog post is written by a guest blogger, Lisa K Cheney. I’m always struggling to find the right Work-Life balance. How thrilling to receive an offer to collaborate on such a topic! Can any other Pittsburgh moms relate? I’m beyond thankful for time off this holiday season to spend quality time with my own family this week. January is already shaping up to be another full month of photographing lifestyle sessions, newborns, babies, and families. I’m looking forward to every shoot 2019 has to offer! Happy New Year!! -Laura
Switching, juggling between different roles and responsibilities does not happen with the click of the fingers. But do you know women do it every day. No matter the role she might be playing outside, at the end of the day she has to come back home and handle all the household chores from kids to husband and taking care of the home. She handles it all perfectly without making anybody realize how always running after making life and work comfortable for everybody she is losing her own balance. Something we should always remember is that nobody is a machine and even if they try to act like one then it can take a toll on the personal life. Nowadays, couples are dividing the work amongst themselves but still at some time it becomes difficult to take out the quality time for the family.
You can do little things in order to make things best for yourself and your family.

Evening chit-chat sessions
Sit down with your children every day. After when you come back home you can sit for a little chit chat with your children, wife, husband. And make sure when you are there on the table with your kids then at that time do not discus about your office problems and routine because it means you are bringing in your stress to your table which is obviously felt by the kids and the family because if one person is stressed then the entire family soaks in the problem. You can discuss about you work and all the good stuff that happened and some encouraging talk that can spread positivity and happiness amongst all.

Plan fun activities together
It does not have to be a big get together or you need not go out on a luxury holiday in order to connect with you family. You can go out for a picnic or a nearby place or just spend a movie night with your children husband or wife all packed together. The feeling of being together brings a huge smile on everybody’s face and makes your children feel happy by just your presence around them.
You can take your pet out for walk, do gardening together. Leave your mental baggage aside or else it might ruin the plan. Fell fresh, relaxed happy and chilled out when with your family as it will give a sense of calm to the other family members too and only your presence will matter a lot to them.

Other things to connect with your family
- Before your children’s naptime, tell them a goodnight story
- How about a movie night?
- Play some games with your kids
- Play lego and let go off your stress
Don’t feel guilty for what you are doing
Many parents especially mothers burden themselves with the guilt that they are not available enough for their kids which is wrong. What a parent does is for the overall good of the family, for your kids, better half and if you start apologizing for not being there then you are doing bad to yourself. Think how in so many ways you are contributing towards your family and for the organization that you are working for.
You are able to do something for your family only because you are earning and all the facilities you are able to provide to your kid is because of your salary. With what you do you give the chance to your kid to afford better educational facilities, bag better opportunities. Get the best of both the worlds whether it is your professional and your family life.
Pre-plan and arrange things
Plan and do the things a night before. Rather than starting off your day all frazzled and confused be prepared with everything. Because you are the one juggling between various roles therefore you cannot afford to take things casually. You need to work smartly rather than haphazardly.

Create a Family Calendar
Figure out your priorities and prepare a list accordingly.
Spend Time with Your Partner
After a few years of marriage couples generally complain about the absence of spark between them and it solely depends upon you to get that spark back and you really need to work a lot to revive what you have been missing. The love and the spark will never fade off if you start making a little few changes. How about you start working on your relationship by going on date nights every weekend? Enjoy the company of your better half, go on a weekend getaway, and plan a romantic candle light dinner together. And remember to go alone as you are doing this for yourself and not to show anyone.
Take out moments for your own self
You must have heard people saying that if you want others to love you then you must start by loving yourself. And once you start loving yourself and taking out time for yourself then you will give respect to yourself and give yourself some importance.

So, be the captain of your ship and do not at any cost give anybody else the role to sail it for you. Take the charge of your life, love yourself and then see how things will drift towards better. Because the work between your career and your home has to be now divided so you need to take charge of the things.
Author Bio:
Lisa K Cheney is an entrepreneur; owner of Lisa K. Photo and a proud mom of three kids. She is a professional maternity, newborn and family photographer who believes that photography makes the memories evergreen and also offers soulful, pure and fresh piece of art to be cherished for the years to come.
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