Senior Portrait Tips for Girls
Being well prepared for you senior photo session can make the difference between average and fabulous photos. Read the following tips and you’ll be well prepared to look your absolute best at your senior portrait session. Strive for a classic, timeless look. Think of what could be in style now as well as 20 years from now.

We want your face to dominate the portrait, all other elements in your photo should be secondary. Your clothing should be comfortable and form fitting. Bring a variety of colors and mix the level of styles. Some should be dressy, some dressy-casual, and some casual.
Bring several outfits, the more we have to choose from, the better. Let’s match your clothing to the backgrounds to ensure you look your best in your natural surroundings. You’ll want to have quick outfit changes. After all, the faster you change, the more time we have to photograph and the more photo choices you’ll have later.
Your outfits should be clean and freshly ironed clothes on hangers. Wrinkles WILL show up in your portraits.
It’s generally best to avoid sleeveless or cap-sleeve shirts and tank tops, as they tend to make arms look larger. White shirts tend to draw the viewers eye away from your face, and therefore detracts from your face.
Solid colors photograph much better than busy patterns. It’s typically best to avoid strips and plaids. busy patterns and bright colors. Big stripes add at least a dress size and distract from your face, it’s best to avoid them. As a general rule, your tops to be a lighter color than your bottoms because lighter bottoms make your bottom half look larger than your top.

Your hair should move with you when you tilt your head and blow nicely in the breeze. Use hair spray sparingly to tame flyaways on top of your head and/or keep hair out of face. Be sure to not have your ponytail holder on your wrist. If you want to cut your hair, give your hair a week or so to grow in a bit from a haircut.
Well done make up is one of the best preparations you can make for your session. It will even out skin tones and help give your photos that extra pop for a model-like look. Even if you don’t normally wear makeup or wear very little, take the time to do it well. Avoid makeup with spf protection, it tends to make your skin shine. Another tip is to moisturize your lips before your session
It’s nice to include special or important jewelry in your portraits. Keep in mind that too much jewelry can be distracting. If you have different jewelry for different outfits, consider putting each set of jewelry in a plastic bag and attach it to the hanger with the coordinating outfit.
Finger and Toe Nails
Either leave your nails natural or make sure they’re done well for your session. Chipped nail paint will distract from you. It’s best to stick to neutral tones, light to mid pink.

Please make sure the color of your undergarments coordinate with your outfits, don’t show through your clothing or leave unpleasing lines. If you need a strapless, please bring one to your session because tucking straps is a pain and often doesn’t stay put.
Most glasses will glare. The safest option is to check with your eye doctor and ask if they’ll loan you a similar pair without lenses.

Sun Tan
Tan lines are a distraction and take away from your photos. Sunburns are nearly impossible to retouch. Avoid spray tan before a session, it will likely photograph orange and/or appear blotchy.
What to Bring
Consider bringing props that show your interests like musical instruments, sports equipment/uniform, activity related items like for dance, art, clubs. Also, consider bringing your a pet. We can play your favorite music during the session. Bring hair spray, clips to keep your hair out of your eyes if it’s windy. Also bring a brush and mirror for quick fixes. It tends to be relaxing. You are welcome to share your Pinterest board for inspiration.
Friends & Parents
Friends or parents are welcome and often helpful. At the end of your session, we can take a couple of shots with a boyfriend, best friend, sibling, or parent at no extra charge.

Let’s brainstorm ideas how to create a customized senior photo session to highlight you and your unique personality!
At a recent senior portrait session, I had the opportunity to hear a local high school senior describe how she decided to have me capture her senior portraits. She simply said, “I not only want my senior photos to reflect me but also to look completely different from all of my friends senior portraits!” I love that! I love meeting high school seniors, learning about their likes and interests and coming up with a session that highlights each senior beautifully.
Are you a high school senior? Let’s met and discuss how to create a customized portrait session that will highlight your interests beautifully! Maybe you also love vintage VW beetles like me? Let’s create stunning images of you with one. Contact me for more information about scheduling your senior portrait session!