1. Be Yourself
There is no doubt about it, we are living in the digital age and can find inspiration everywhere we turn! Let your personality shine through and while a little inspiration can be good, it’s best to not try to be act someone else. Because the best photos happen when you are simply being yourself!

2. Feel Good
In addition to your clothes matching the location and climate. Consider what makes you feel good? That’s what you should wear! Choose an outfit that you are comfortable in and makes you feel good. If you feel and look good than you will appear more confident and you can focus on enjoying the experience.

3. Focus on the Experience
Let’s meet in one of Pittsburgh’s amazing locations and create memorable moments in addition to beautiful portraits!

4. Choose a Location that Reflects Your Personality
What makes you happy? Are you adventurous? Let’s explore one of Pittsburgh’s neighborhoods. Are you free-spirited? Let’s meet in your favorite spot. Because it’s like they’ve always said, “Location, Location, Location!”

5. Let the Kids be Kids
Kids are generally happy when they are well fed and well rested. Families can get stressed when they expect perfection from their children, right? Seriously, have you ever seen a child look joyful after they’ve been yelled at to “Smile! or Say CHEESE!”? Let’s relax and let them be kids. During my photoshoots we are often laughing, playing, dancing, singing and getting loved by you! Your kids will have a blast. I will capture these joyful moments and you will receive beautiful portraits.

6. Trust Me
My goal is to create beautiful portraits of you that you’ll love! I want you to feel amazing, look amazing and have the best time! So relax and trust me, I want you to look and feel incredible! I totally have got your back!!

7. Treat Yourself
While not necessary, it may be fun to treat yourself! Schedule a hair appointment at your favorite salon, have your makeup done, get a manicure, or a massage, or all the above! I want you to feel A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!

8. Focus on Each Other
Although it is tempting to stare into the camera… Don’t! But don’t do it, your photo shoot is about you and your family! Be in the moment, focus on enjoying your family! We all look our best when we are naturally interacting and enjoying our loved ones.

9. Let it Go
Let go of perfection. Your family loves you and you love them just the way you/they are.

10. Bring a Favorite Family Activity
Engaging in an activity that your family loves to do creates natural smiles on your faces. Do you love to read? Bring some books. Love playing games? Bring a card or board game. Other ideas include, piggy back rides, a game of football, a cozy picnic on your favorite blanket, etc.