How did you and your spouse meet?
Through his cousin, it was long-distance but communication and effort from both of us made it possible.
What do you enjoy about living in the Pittsburgh area?
Pittsburgh has a small city feel yet it’s not too small. It is very photogenic city and friendly people.

In your opinion, what baby items do you think are essential?
Essential baby items: Bed bassinet, baby bath tub, changing station, and a pacifier when they’re young
If you had a 25 hour day, what would you do with the extra time?

What are your baby’s favorite books?
Goodnight moon and Put me in the Zoo
What are your baby’s favorite foods?
Our baby enjoys yogurt, milk and fruits.

What are your baby’s favorite toys?
Our baby’s favorite toys are stuffed toys, rattle and activity center.
What places around Pittsburgh do you and your baby/family enjoy visiting together?
We enjoy Point State Park in Pittsburgh.

What song or movie title best describes your experience as a mom?
Eat Pray Love
How did you celebrate your child’s birthday?
In the community center in our neighborhood. About 30 guests came to help us celebrate. The theme was “our little sunshine”, we enjoyed eating sandwiches/macaroni and cheese, vanilla and chocolate cake with sunshine theme. We had a group come in who sang interactive kids’ songs.

If you could share 3 pieces of advice with your younger self (before having kids!) what would they be?
Parenthood is a lot of work but rewarding, patience is important, enjoy life and don’t sweat the small stuff!

How did you chose Laura Mares Photography?
Googled photographers in the area. Laura Mares has great reviews and the photographs showcased on website were beautiful,
What is your favorite photo from your child’s 1st birthday photo session?
There are too many to pick. Probably one of us kissing and her smiling.

Would you like to include any other fun facts?
Babies grow up too fast, so enjoy every moment of it!
Each child is born with a certain personality.
Every child is different, so what one works for one may not work for another.